Calculate in bash
- If you want to calculate with an integer it's possible without using other programs.
- For example 34+23=57
COUNT1="34" COUNT2="23" echo $[$COUNT1 + $COUNT2]
- If you want to move the decimal point one digit to the left than you will have to use modulo.
- For example 34/10=3.4
COUNT1="34" COUNT2="10" echo "$[$COUNT1 / $COUNT2].$[$COUNT1 % $COUNT2]"
- To calculate with float or more complex thing use “bc”
echo "2.5 + 3.2" | bc -l 5.7
- If you want to cut digits after the decimal point you can use scale (It's no rounding like you see in the example)
echo "scale = 4; 2.5 / 1.9 " | bc -l 1.3157 echo "scale = 2; 2.5 / 1.9 " | bc -l 1.31
- The remaining Problem is:
echo "scale = 2; 2.5 / 3.1 " | bc -l .8064
- The leading zero is lost
- You can search and replace using “sed”
echo "scale = 3; 2.5 / 3.1 " | bc -l | sed -r 's/^\./0./g' 0.806
bashscr/calculate.txt · Last modified: 23.03.2013 17:24 by eanderalx