Welcome to my Homepage
Here I will collect the things I know or find out.
I'll write about Ubuntu/Arch Linux, Windows, Bash and Perl Scripting, Virtualisation and whatever else that could be interesting.
All I'm going to write here is tested by myself. I don't give a warranty of the functionality on other systems.
If there are questions, suggestions or something else feel free to send me an mail.
I'm also a hobby photographer, for those interested here is a link.
Recent Blog Posts
Use iptables as Tarpit
- A Tarpit is a service on a computer that delays incoming connections as long as possible. So the aggressor lost a lot of time.
Clone VM on ESXi 4.1
- Cloning a Virtual Machine (VM) in ESXi without using VMware vSphere doesn't work because in the vSphere Client, which can be also used to manage the ESXi, you have no possibility to do this.
Enable SSH on ESXi 4.1
- In the past, it was possible to enable ssh by typing “unsupported”, then you get a terminal and could activate the ssh-server.
- With ESXi 4.1 “unsupported” is unsupported.
Bash - Parameters
- The first parameter passed to the script is $1, the second $2 and so on
- If you want to to check more then one possibilities of parameter passed to the script then a case is useful
start.txt · Last modified: 20.12.2018 22:14 by eanderalx