Table of Contents

Shell in a box for Archlinux

An AJAX web-based fullscreen terminal emulator where you can mark an copy text (depending on your browser, according to my tests opera is optimal). Forget Ajaxterm! You find shellinabox in the AUR.


Using aurget

aurget -S shellinabox

or manual

tar xvzf shellinabox.tar.gz
cd shellinabox 
# you need several dependings
sudo pacman -U shellinabox-2.14-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz


To get an ssh login on the machine shellinabox is running on use –service=/:SSH. I had it running with login service but don't get it again.

edit /etc/conf.d/shellinaboxd and set the options

--background=/var/run/ --port=8888 --service=/:SSH --css=/usr/share/doc/shellinabox/white-on-black.css --cert=/tmp/

or other if you like

Perhaps you want to use –localhost-only so only your HTTP Proxy could access the web-interface. Otherwise on a system with an public IP everyone could connect to the web-interface.

The certificate in tmp because shellinabox create the certificate himself while running as nobody so it needs a place where it could write

Enable and start service

systemctl enable shellinaboxd
systemctl start shellinaboxd

Additional infos

Path to css files
